Session 4 Recordings
Galactic and extragalactic stellar populations
Invited Talks
Stellar Populations of extragalactic galaxies, an observational perspective

Patricia Sánchez-Blázquez
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Cartography of the Milky Way

Michael Hayden
University of Sydney
Session 4

Discussion Leaders:
Amanda Karakas & Richard McDermid
Contributed Talks
35) Chemical evolution models for the thick and thin disks

Valeria Grisoni
SISSA (Trieste)
36) How Unusual is the Milky Way's Assembly History?

Tilly Evans
Durham University
37) The history of the Milky Way told by its mergers

Florent Renaud
Lund University
38) Linking Galactic and extragalactic stellar populations with nuclear star clusters

Alina Boecker
University of Vienna
39) Stellar kinematics and population properties of bar-built nuclear discs in Milky Way-type galaxies

Adrian Bittner
European Southern Observatory
40) The formation of radial metallicity profiles in Milky Way Analogues

Robert Yates
University of Surrey
41) The history of the Galactic disc and halo from Gaia DR2 colour-magnitude diagrams

Carme Gallart
Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
42) Stellar populations of galactic bars and drivers of stellar metallicity in galaxies

Justus Neumann
University of Portsmouth
44) Evidence from APOGEE for the presence of a major building block of the halo buried in the inner Galaxy

Danny Horta
Liverpool JMU
45) From the Outside Looking in: What can Milky Way Analogues Tell us About the Star Formation Rate of Our Own Galaxy?

Amelia Fraser-McKelvie
ICRAR, The University of Western Australia