Sabine Thater
Title: Chemo-dynamical modelling of external galaxies with DYNAMITE
Abstract: The combination of astrometric and chemical information from Galactic stars has revealed great detail about the structure, dynamics and history of our own Galaxy. In external galaxies, it is impossible to map the distribution of individual stars. However, high signal-to-noise integral field spectroscopy at various wavelengths together with sophisticated dynamical models give us the opportunity to learn about the structure, dynamics and history of nearby external galaxies. I will present our chemo-dynamical modelling code DYNAMITE, that models galaxies as a superposition of their stellar orbits and colours those orbits with ages and metallicities. Compared to previous models, DYNAMITE can model more detailed kinematic measurements, allowing us to better exploit high-quality IFU datasets of nearby galaxies. I will provide a detailed overview of the challenges of such a modelling technique and introduce first applications on observations and simulations. From our method we can identify families of orbits that originate from different dynamical structures which challenge the current picture of galaxies obtained from pure stellar light decompositions.
Bio: Sabine Thater is a postdoc at Uni Vienna and works on the development of DYNAMITE. In her research, she applies the axisymmetric and the triaxial Schwarzschild code to centres of galaxies to learn about the co-evolution of black holes and their host galaxies.